You Are Part Of My Life

Saturday, November 21, 2009

COOL....nice shoe

We've covered our collective love affair with Doc Martens quite extensively in the past. Yushan first offered up some styling options for those infamous air-cushioned soles and Claudia highlighted it as the Icon of the Week and now we've found a shop that offers up a similar reproduction for a lower price. Come check out this week's TiC Pick featuring none other than those much-loved boots!

While I was at Singapore, I went into a Doc Martens shop and noted that a simple 8-lace pair went for S$169. This did not include embellished or limited editions.

Head on over to Pieces and Colors to grab a pair of inspired Doc Martens. And because the price is relatively lower than the original, you could even grab 2 and rock different coloured pairs on each feet!

1 comment:

  1. i also have one ,,the yelow v colour one .
    ooic la alvin finally will sense it d ..
    doc mart are the best hahahha
